37 Bernardston Road
Bernardston, MA

Hello Spring

Bring on the warm weather!

Hello Spring!!

First off, how are you all holding up? We are ready for warmer weather and for the Covid-19 Pandemic to move on, so we can open up shop and see all of our customers again!

I have been receiving many messages asking when are we opening. To be completely honest I am not sure at this time. We are waiting to see when the stay at home & social distancing orders will be lifted and will make our decisions then.

During this time we have decided to do some building upgrades, which is exciting for us.

I want to thank all of those who have been supporting us by purchasing ice cream cakes, and I am thinking that we will offer them up again for Mothers Day, so stay tuned!!! I hope you all stay safe & healthy!!

Best Wishes,

Kayla Snow

Townline Ice Cream

Posted: to General News on Tue, Apr 14, 2020
Updated: Tue, Apr 14, 2020