Bring on the warm weather!
Hello Spring!!
First off, how are you all holding up? We are ready for warmer weather and for the Covid-19 Pandemic to move on, so we can open up shop and see all of our customers again!
I have been receiving many messages asking when are we opening. To be completely honest I am not sure at this time. We are waiting to see when the stay at home & social distancing orders will be lifted and will make our decisions then.
During this time we have decided to do some building upgrades, which is exciting for us.
I want to thank all of those who have been supporting us by purchasing ice cream cakes, and I am thinking that we will offer them up again for Mothers Day, so stay tuned!!! I hope you all stay safe & healthy!!
Best Wishes,
Kayla Snow
Townline Ice Cream
Posted: to General News on Tue, Apr 14, 2020
Updated: Tue, Apr 14, 2020